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Showing posts from March, 2021

Who was Ertugrul Gazi?

 Who was Ertugrul Gazi? At the beginning of the 13th century Muslims by and large were facing a hard time. In the meantime, a new Empire started to spread on the globe when in the leadership of Genghis Khan a bloodthirsty Mongolian army attacked other areas to spread their Empire, then on one side while passing through Eastern Europe they reached Central Europe, while on the other side they proved their power in Siberia subcontinent China and Persian area very soon Mongol armies created a non-comparable history of cruelty and oppression all great empires were bowing their heads to Mongol cruelty. On the other hand, Corazon Empire conquered many areas of Khorasan, Iran, Syria and Iraq occupied by seljuk. At that time their power was at its peak. Genghis Khan named tornado moved towards Corazon Empire with his all cruelties and tore it into pieces. After the wrath of this Empire Turk tribes residing there started to migrate in search of a safe place. Most of the tribes were shepherds and

Söğüt, The 1st capital of ottoman empire

  Söğüt , The 1st capital of ottoman empire Söğüt city was the birthplace of Sultan Osman-I. It was conquered by Ertuğrul Ghazi for the Anatolian Seljuks from the Nicean Empire in 1231. Today Söğüt City is a small town in the river valley of Bilecik Province in Turkey. Turkish history of the great Ottoman sultans are exhibited also in the Söğüt Ethnographical Museum. Söğüt is also the third biggest district center in its province after Bozüyük and Bilecik. Turkish Translation: Söğüt şehri, Sultan Osman-I'in doğum yeriydi. 1231 yılında Nicean İmparatorluğu'ndan Anadolu Selçukluları için Ertuğrul Gazi tarafından fethedilmiştir. Bugün Söğüt Şehri, Türkiye'nin Bilecik ili nehir vadisinde küçük bir kasabadır. Büyük Osmanlı padişahlarının Türk tarihi de Söğüt Etnografya Müzesi'nde sergilenmektedir. Söğüt, aynı zamanda Bozüyük ve Bilecik'ten sonra ilinin üçüncü büyük ilçe merkezidir.

The History Of Kayi Kabila

  Kayi Flag The meaning of the word KAYI is "the one who has might and power by relationship". KAYI kelimesinin anlamı "ilişki yoluyla kudret ve güce sahip olandır". The history of Kayi Kabila. The Kayi Kabila was a branch of the Oghuz Tribe, they migrated from east to west and settled in Anatolia, central Turkey, during the Seljuq dynasty. Suleyman Shah was the military leader of the Seljuk Empire, Kayi Kabila os one of the first Turkish groups to settle in Anatolia in 12th-Century. Does Kayi Kabila still exist? The Kayi Kabila still exist in different regions. The members of the Kayı tribe generally settled in various areas around Eskişehir, Mihalıççık, Orhaneli, Isparta, Burdur, Fethiye, Muğla, Aydın and Ödemiş.

Two Kayi Princesses, Halime Hatun and Bala Hatun

  Two Kayi Princesses, Halime' Hatun and Bala Hatun Halime Hatun Halime Hatun was the wife of brave heart Ertuğrul Gazi (13th century) and was the mother of Sultan Osman-I. Halime Hatun, yiğit yürekli Ertuğrul Gazi'nin (13. yüzyıl) eşi ve Sultan Osman-I'in annesiydi. Bâlâ Hâtun Râbi'a Bâlâ Hâtun was the wife of Ottoman Sultan Osman-I. She was the daughter of the famous Sheikh Edebali and also was mother of Alaeddin Pasha of the Ottoman Empire. (Ottoman Turkish: She died in January 1324, her birth name was Rabia)  Râbi'a Bâlâ Hâtun, Osmanlı Sultanı Osman-I'in karısıydı. Ünlü Şeyh Edebali'nin kızıydı ve aynı zamanda Osmanlı Devleti Alaeddin Paşa'nın annesiydi. (Osmanlı Türkçesi: Ocak 1324'te öldü, asıl adı Rabia idi)

Ertugrul Gazi, The Father of Ottomans

Ertugrul Gazi, The Father of Ottomans